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Technology News: Apple's Upgrade in the Phone Lasers | Israel today


And also: Snapshot arrives on PC and aims to be zoomed • Russia strives to establish its own gaming industry

Technology giant Apple is considering incorporating laser beams into its future iPhones and smartwatches, as evidenced by a new patent recently filed by the company.

While this is not an attempt to turn smart devices into weapons that launch colorful and deadly horns like in the movies, or at least so we hope, this is a significant upgrade, which if and when implemented could cause a real earthquake in the cellular field in particular and wearable gadgets in general.

Will come into use quickly?

Tim Cook in exposure, archive, photo: Reuters

According to the patent diagrams, the lasers will be embedded under the screens of the devices.

We will explain that lasers can upgrade existing functions in devices, provide them with a higher level of accuracy and also allow a combination of completely new features.

For example: improved biometric identification, more effective security measures, and even the possibility of determining the level of air pollution by identifying particles of substances contained in it.

Fitness watch wearers, on the other hand, will be able to take advantage of the accuracy of the laser to get more accurate data on their physical activity.

And there’s also the gaming angle that can benefit from the technological upgrade - like a stormy laser tag game through the clock.

So when will we get to see the new laser iPhones?

Probably not in the next few years, if at all, since the patent has only been registered recently, and it is not at all certain that Apple will indeed decide to use it.

To be continued.    

Moves screen

We’ve written before about Snapshot’s desire to be relevant again, and this week its next and ambitious step was reported: After more than a decade of focusing on phones, the instant messaging app comes to PC with a dedicated desktop version.

Snapchat For Web will be available soon, initially only to Snapshot Plus service subscribers in the US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand, but is expected to expand to more countries in the future. Of Apple and Microsoft.

Will you compete with Zoom?

Snapshot, Photo: None

The most significant benefit of the move is giving more screen space to users, who can simultaneously conduct video calls and chats, in the same browser window.

The next step, according to Snap, the app's developer, is to combine filters and lenses in the computer version as well, so that we can change our look just like in the original app.

Yes, there is nothing like participating in an important work call as a zombie or a dancing rabbit.

This can happen by mistake even for the best.    

Patriotic games

Most, if not all, of the gaming giants abandoned Russia with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, but it turns out that the Putin regime is not giving up even when it comes to the gaming industry.

According to a report in the Russian newspaper "Kommersant", the Russian digital development ministry is interested in financing the development of a "national gaming engine", on which power-based games will be based, without relying on today's leading game engines such as Unity and Unreal, which are owned by American companies.

The Russian KGB game, Photo: None

Russian game developers have argued to government officials that access to American engines may soon be curtailed, so they need an urgent alternative.

However, it is important to emphasize that developing a new (and proper) game engine from scratch is a process that could take years, and sources say the Russian government will have to invest "billions of rubles" to support the venture.

And this is even before we mentioned the need for collaborations with leading video card makers like AMD and Nvidia, who have also severed ties with the invading country and their support for the engine is essential.

In short, aspirations apart and reality apart.

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All tech articles on 2022-07-19

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